名城大学 理工学部数学教室 鈴木研究室

鈴木紀明 Noriaki Suzuki

名城大学 理工学部数学教室




  1. On the essential boundary and supports of harmonic measures for the heat equation, Proc. Japan Acad. Ser. A Math. Sci 56, No. 8 (1980), 381-385.
  2. (with M. Ito}) Completely superharmonic measures for the infinitesimal generator A of a diffusion semigroup and positive eigenelements of A, Nagoya Math. J. 83 (1981), 53-106.
  3. Invariant measures for uniformly recurrent diffusion kernels, Hiroshima Math. J. 13, No.3 (1983), 583-605.
  4. Martin boundary for  Δ - P, Hiroshima Math. J. 14, No.1 (1984), 67-74.
  5. (with M. Ito) The semibalayability of real convolution kernels, Nagoya Math. J. 99 (1985), 89-110.
  6. On real continuous kernels satisfying the semi-complete maximum principle, Hiroshima Math. J., 16, No.3 (1986), 573-595.
  7. L'allure a la frontiere des fonction L-harmoniques positives dans un domain, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris Ser I, 303, No.13 (1986), 621-624.
  8. (with F.-Y. Maeda) The integrability of superharmonic functions on Lipschitz domains, Bull. London Math. Soc. 21 (1989), 270-278.
  9. Huygens property of parabolic functions and a uniqueness theorem, Hiroshima Math. J., 19, No.2 (1989), 355-361.
  10. Nonintegrability of harmonic functions in a domain, Japanese J. Math., 16, No.2 (1990), 269-278.
  11. A note on Dirichlet regularity on harmonic spaces, Hiroshima Math. J., 21, No.2 (1991), 335-341.
  12. Nonintegrability of superharmonic functions, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 113, No.1 (1991), 113-115.
  13. An estimate of harmonic measure with an application to subharmonic functions, Potential Theory, proceedings ICPT 90 at Nagoya, Walter de Gruyter, Berlin (1992), 315-320.
  14. Note on the integrability of superharmonic functions, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 118, No.2 (1993), 415-417.
  15. (with M. Nishio) Minimal thickness and uniqueness of kernel functions for the heat equation in several variables, Osaka J. Math. 31, No.2 (1994), 331-339.
  16. A local Hopf lemma for solutions of the one-dimensional heat equation, Nagoya Math. J. 146 (1997), 1-12.
  17. (with M. Nishio, and K. Shimomura) A general form of a mean value property for poly-temperatures on a strip domain, Proceeding of the Seventh International Colloquium on Differential Equations, 269-276, VSP, Utrecht, 1997
  18. (with M. Nishio and K. Shimomura) A mean value property of poly-temperatures on a strip domain, J. London Math. Soc. (2) 58, No.2 (1998), 381-393.
  19. (with M. Nishio and K. Shimomura) Note on poly-supertemperatures on a strip domain, Osaka J. Math. 36, No.3 (1999), 539-556.
  20. (with M. Nishio and T. Sugimoto) Mean value properties for the wave equation, Proceeding  of the Ninth International Colloquium on Differential Equations, 289-292, VSP, Utrecht, 1999.
  21. (with M. Nishio) A characterization of strip domains by mean
    value property for the parabolic operator of order $\alpha$, New Zealand J. Math. 29 (2000), 47-54.
  22. (with N.A. Watson) A characterization of heat ball by mean value property for temperatures, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 129, No.9 (2001), 2709-2713.
  23. (with N.A. Watson) Mean value densities for temperatures,  Colloq. Math. 98, No.1 (2003), 87-96.
  24. (with M. Nishio and K. Shimomura) $\alpha$-parabolic Bergman spaces, Osaka J. Math. 42, No.1 (2005), 133-162.
  25. (with M. Nishio and K. Shimomura) $L^p$-boundedness of Bergman projections for $¥alpha$-parabolic operators, Adv. Stud. Pure Math. 44 (2006), 305-318.
  26. (with M. Nishio and M. Yamada) Toeplitz operators and Carleson measures on parabolic Bergman spaces, Hokkaido Math. J. 36 (2007), 356-358.
  27. (with M. Nishio and M. Yamada) Parabolic dilations with application to Toeplitz operators on parabolic Bergman spaces, Complex analysis and its applications, 307-312, OCAMI Std. 2, 2007.
  28. (with M. Nishio and M. Yamada) Interpolating sequences of parabolic Bergman spaces, Potential Anal. 28 (2008), 357-378.
  29. (with M. Nishio and M. Yamada) Compact Toeplitz operators on parabolic Bergman spaces, Hiroshima Math. J. 38 (2008), 177-192.
  30. (with M. Nishio and M. Yamada) Weighted Berezin transformations with application to Toeplitz operators of Schatten class on parabolic Bergman spaces, Kodai Math. J. 32 (2009), 501-520.
  31. (with M. Nishio and M. Yamada) Carleson inequalities on parabolic Bergman spaces, Tohoku Math. J. 62 (2010), 269-286.
  32. (with H.S. Jung and R. Sakai) On the Favard-type theorem and the Jackson-type theorem (II), ISRN Appl. Math. 2011, Art. ID 725638, 20pp.
  33. (with R Sakai) On the Favard-type inequalities for exponential weights, Pioneer J. of Math. 3,  No.1 (2011), 1-16
  34. (with M. Nishio and M. Yamada) Shatten class Toeplitz operators on the parabolic Bergman space II, Kodai Math. J. 35 (2012), 52-77.
  35. (with H.S. Jung, G. Nakamura and R. Sakai) Convergence and divergence of higher-order Hermite or Hermite-Fejer interpolation polynomials with exponential-type weights, ISRN Math. Anal. 2012, Art. ID 904169, 31pp.
  36. (with M. Nishio and M. Yamada) Positive Toeplitz operators of finite rank on the parabolic Bergman spaces, Kodai Math. J. 36 (2013), 38-49.
  37. (with R. Sakai) Mollification of exponential weights and its application to the Markov-Bernstein inequality, Pioneer J. of Math. 7, No.1 (2013), 830101
  38. (with G. Nakamura and R. Sakai) Interpolation polynomials of entire functions for Erdos-type weights, J. Math. 2013, Art. ID 467351, 5pp.
  39. (with R. Sakai) A characterization of real entire functions by polynomial approximation for exponential weights, RIMS Kokyuroku Bessatsu, B 43 (2013), 141-154.
  40. (with M. Murata) A parabolic approach to Martin boundaries for elliptic equations in skew product form, Potential Analysis 40 (2014), 279-305.
  41. (with K. Itoh and R. Sakai) The de la Vallee Poussin mean and polynomial approximation for exponential weights, Internationl J. of Analysis, 2015 (2015), Article ID 706930, 8 pages
  42. (with K. Itoh and R. Sakai) An estimate for derivative of the de la Vallee Poussin mean, Math. J. of Ibaraki Univ., 47 (2015), 1-18.
  43. (with H. Nakagawa) Boundedness of Toeplitz operators on parabolic Hardy spaces, Linear and Nonlinear Analysis, 2 (2016), 229-235.
  44. (with H. Nakagawa) Carleson inequalities on parabolic Hardy spaces, Hokkaido Math. J., 46 (2017), 1-14.
  45. (with K. Itoh and R. Sakai) Exponentially weighted polynomial approximation for absolutely continuous functions, Tohoku Math. J., 70 (2018), 1-15.
  46. (with K. Itoh and R. Sakai) Uniform convergence of orthogonal polynomial expansions for exponential weights, to appear in Hokkaido Math. J.


  1. Les resolvantes des noyaux continus reels verifiant le principe semi-complet du maximum, 数理解析研究所講究録 502  (1983), 123-141.
  2. An integral representation theorem for the Helmholtz equation, 数理解析研究所講究録 610 (1986), 103-112.
  3. 一般化された法線微分と調和関数の一意性定理,数理解析研究所講究録 1016 (1997), 22-29.
  4. (with G. Nakamura) Polynomial solutions to boundary-value problems of the heat equation, Bulletin of Aichi Institute of Technology, 37 A (2002), 33-38.
  5. Mean value property for temperatures on an annulus domain, 数理解析研究所講究録 1293 (2002), 168-174.
  6. (with M. Nishio and K. Shimomura) $\alpha$-parabolic Bergman spaces and their reproducing kernels, 数理 解析研究所講究録 1352 (2004), 106-113.
  7. (with M. Nishio and M.Yamada) )放物型ベルグマン空間上のToeplitz 作用素について, 数理解析研究所講究録 1553 (2007), 181-195.
  8. (with M. Nishio and M.Yamada) )放物型ベルグマン空間上のコンパクトToeplitz 作用素について, 数理解析研究所講究録 1618 (2008), 64-72.
  9. Potential analysis of parabolic Bergman spaces (Japanese), Res. Rep. Fac. Sic. Techno. Meijo Univ. 49 (2009), 5-12.
  10. (with M. Nishio and M.Yamada) )放物型ベルグマン空間上の作用素について, 数理解析研究所講究録 1694 (2010), 101-120.
  11. (with R. Sakai) 多項式近似におけるFavard 型定理と Jackson 型定理について, 名城大学総合研究所総合学術研究論文集, 10 (2011), 29-34.
  12. (with S. Kuwahara) Specific examples of invariant subspaces for Hardy space over the bidisk, Res. Rep. Fac. Sic. Techno. Meijo Univ. 60 (2020), 12-19.