Name: Fumikazu Nagasato(長郷 文和)
My photo is here.
Born in 1976
- BC in Science: Department of mathematics, Fuculty of Science, Kyushu University, Japan (1999)
- MS in Mathematical Science: Department of mathematics, Kyushu University, Japan (2001)
- Ph.D in Mathematical Science: Department of mathematics, Kyushu University, Japan (2004)
Academic Positions:
- 2003.4-2005.3: JSPS(Japan Society for the Promotion of Science) Research fellow (DC2 & PD),
Kyushu University, Japan
- 2005.4-2008.3: JSPS Research fellow (PD), Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
- 2008.4-2011.3: Assistant professor, Meijo University, Japan
- 2011.4-current: Associate professor, Meijo University, Japan
Visiting Positions:
- 2004.9-2006.6: Visiting researcher at University of California, Riverside, USA
(visited Prof. X.-S. Lin)
Visitings (w/o position):
- 2003.10-2003.11: Texas Tech University (visited Prof.
R. Gelca)
- 2004. 2-2004. 3: Texas Tech University (visited Prof. R. Gelca)
- 2012.10-2012.11: University of California, Santa Barbara (visited Prof. D. Cooper)
Fellowships and Grants:
- 2003.4-2004.3: JSPS fellowship (DC2)
- 2004.4-2008.3: JSPS fellowship (PD)
- 2003.4-2008.3: Grant for JSPS research fellow
- 2008.10-2010.3: Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (Start-up), JSPS
- 2009-2010: 日東学術振興財団助成費(Nitto Foundation)
- 2010.4-2013.3: Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B),
the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT)
- 2014.4-2018.3: Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B), JSPS
- 2006.10-current: Mathematical Society of Japan
Professional Services:
- 2001.10-2002.10: Editor in Chief of Lecturenotes "Knots, Operations on them and Their Invariants"
- 2004-current: Reviewer for Zentralblatt MATH
- 2007. 1: (Co-)organizer of ``Workshop on the low-dimensional topology from several homological viewpoints''
- 2008. 2: (Co-)organizer of ``Winter Workshop 2008 on Low-Dimensional Topology and its Ramifications''
- 2008.11:
- 2009. 3: (Co-)organizer of ``Winter Workshop 2009 on Low-Dimensional Topology and its Ramifications''
- 2009-current: Reviewer for Mathematical Reviews
- 2009. 3-2010. 2: 2009年度 日本数学会 代議員
- 2009.11: SSH
- 2010. 3: (Co-)organizer of ``Spring Workshop 2010 on Low-Dimensional Topology and its Ramifications''
- 2010. 5: 数理ウェーブ
(数学コンクール フォローアップセミナー)講師,名古屋大学
- 2010.11: SSH
- 2011. 1: 数学教育研究会 運営
- 2011. 1: 日本ジュニア数学オリンピック(JJMO), 日本数学オリンピック(JMO)名古屋予選 会場運営
- 2011. 2: 日本ジュニア数学オリンピック(JJMO), 日本数学オリンピック(JMO)名古屋本選 会場運営
- 2011. 3: (Co-)organizer of ``Spring Workshop 2011 on Low-Dimensional Topology and its Ramifications''
- 2011. 3-2012. 2: 2011年度 日本数学会 代議員
- 2011. 4-2011.10: 名古屋市立向陽高等学校SS数学 結び目理論研究アドバイザー
- 2011. 6: 数理ウェーブ
(数学コンクール フォローアップセミナー)講師,名古屋大学
- 2011. 7-2011.11: 名城大学理工学部数学科 実感教育担当
- 2011. 8: 教員免許更新講習講義(結び目理論入門)担当
- 2012. 1: 数学教育研究会 運営
- 2012. 1: 日本ジュニア数学オリンピック(JJMO), 日本数学オリンピック(JMO)名古屋予選 会場責任者
- 2012. 2: 日本ジュニア数学オリンピック(JJMO), 日本数学オリンピック(JMO)名古屋本選 会場運営
- 2012. 3: (Co-)organizer of ``Spring Workshop 2011 on Low-Dimensional Topology and its Ramifications''
Joint Workshop 「ハンドル体結び目とその周辺 IV」
- 2012. 3-2013. 2: 2012年度 日本数学会 代議員
- 2012. 6: SSH(スーパーサイエンスハイスクール)特別講師,名古屋市立向陽高等学校
- 2012. 8: 教員免許更新講習講義(位相幾何学入門)担当
- 2012.10: あいちサイエンスフェスティバル2012
SAKAE Science Talk 講師(物理・天文Week)
- 2012.10.27: 名城大学 総合講座 講師
- 2012.10-2016.9: 日本数学会「数学」編集委員(非常任)
- 2013. 3: (Co-)organizer of ``Spring Workshop 2013 on Low-Dimensional Topology and its Ramifications''
- 2013. 3-2014. 2: 2013年度 日本数学会 評議員
- 2014. 3: (Co-)organizer of ``Spring Workshop 2014 on Low-Dimensional Topology and its Ramifications''
- 2014. 8: 教員免許更新講習講義(位相幾何学入門)担当
- 2015. 4: (Co-)organizer of ``Spring Workshop 2015 on Low-Dimensional Topology and its Ramifications
& Knotting Nagoya''
- 2015. 11: (Co-)organizer of ``Topology and computer 2015''
- 2016. 6: (Co-)organizer of ``Summer Workshop 2016 on Low-Dimensional Topology and its Ramifications
& Knotting Nagoya''
- 2016. 8: 教員免許更新講習講義(位相幾何学入門)担当予定
- 2016. 9: 名城大学理学部数学科合宿型セミナー実行委員
- 2016. 9: Local (Co-)organizer of Internatinal Conference
``KOOK-TAPU Workshop of Knots in Tsushima Island(Knots in Tsushima)''